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Microsoft Excel Templates - Submitting Structural Score Information

This form is designed as a Microsoft Excel template to enable the electronic submission of BeefClass Structural Assessment details to BREEDPLAN for your animals.

Do not delete columns from this sheet under any circumstances. If the column does not apply to you, simply leave the column blank. Information submitted in the incorrect format will not be processed by BREEDPLAN. 

Once you have entered your assessment details into the Excel template, please email the completed file to BREEDPLAN for processing. When emailing the file, please ensure you also include a short note providing a brief description of the information included in the file. 

BREEDPLAN takes no responsibility for data entered via this PC-format spreadsheet other than to try and load the information as supplied. It is the breeder's responsibility to ensure that the information entered is accurate and complete.

Template Field Descriptions

The "Example Data Submission" sheet provides example data records to show how to complete the fields. Use the examples in conjunction with these explanations as a guide for recording the data.

'L' Column This column is for internal BREEDPLAN processing purposes only. A 'L' should be entered in any row in which information has been entered. Note - this value should not need to be manually entered - it should appear automatically when the Animal Ident is entered.
'D' Column This column is for internal BREEDPLAN processing purposes only. A 'D' should be entered in any row in which information has been entered. Note - this value should not need to be manually entered - it should appear automaticalyl when the Animal Ident is entered.
Assessor Number Enter the accreditation number for the assessor that structurally scored your animals.
Society Code Enter the Society Code for your breed.
Herd Ident Enter your Breed Society Herd Ident. You should only need to enter this in the first row. Once the first row is completed, the Herd Ident should automatically appear when you enter the Animal Ident.
Assessment Date Enter the date the animals were assessed in the format yyyymmdd.
Animal Ident Enter the Society Identification of the animal. Note the full Society Ident of the animal must be entered, not just the tattoo.
Mgmt Grp Record the animal management group.
A management group should be entered if some animals have been treated differently e.g. if an animal was injured it should be in a different management group. Up to 3 letters or numbers can be used to code management groups. Note that blank is a valid group, therefore all animals should have been treated the same if you are going to leave the column blank.
Claw Set Enter the claw set scores for the front and rear. Scores can range from 1-9.
Feet Angle Enter the feet angle scores for the front and rear. Scores can range from 1-9.
Rear Legs Enter the side and hind view scores. Scores can range from 1-9.
Muscle Score Enter the muscle score. Scores can range from A+ to E-
Fat Score Enter the fat score of the animal. Scores can range from 1-6.
Capacity Enter the capacity score for the animal. Scores range from 1-5.
Sheath/Navel Enter the sheath/navel score. Scores can range from 1-5.
Udder Evenness Enter the score for udder evenness. Scores can range from 1-9.
Note: that any female that was dry when the rest of the mob were lactating should be recorded as dry.
Udder Attachment Enter the score for udder attachment. Scores can range from 1-5.
Note: that any female that was dry when the rest of the mob were lactating should be recorded as dry.
Teat Size & Shape Enter the score for teat size and shape. Scores can range from 1-9.
Note: that any female that was dry when the rest of the mob were lactating should be recorded as dry.