
Hungarian Charolais Release Selection Indexes

Aug 2020

BREEDPLAN and the National Association of Hungarian Charolais Cattle Breeders (Magyar Charolais Tenyésztôk Egyesülete) are pleased to announce the release of three selection indexes for Hungarian Charolais. Selection indexes are a new development for Magyar Charolais Tenyésztôk Egyesülete and will assist breeders with the selection and breeding of Hungarian Charolais. The new indexes are the:

  • Magyar Charolais kissúlyú Tenyésztői Index (MCkTI)/Hungarian Charolais lightweight postweaning breeder index
  • Magyar Charolais nagysúlyú Tenyésztői Index (MCnTI)/Hungarian Charolais heavyweight breeder index
  • Magyar Charolais Végtermék Index (MCVI)/Hungarian Charolais terminal index

The three new selection indexes were developed by Hungarian Charolais in conjunction with staff at the Agricultural Business Research Institute (ABRI). Further information about the new Hungarian Charolais selection indexes is available from the BREEDPLAN website here.