Use of Resources


ABRI Extension Services and BREEDPLAN resources are freely available for use by breed societies, breeders and the wider industry

ABRI Extension Services and BREEDPLAN documentation provide valuable educational resources. As such, they are commonly reproduced for publications (including magazines, newsletters and sale catalogues) and shared on websites and social media pages.

We are pleased to make these resources freely available for public use. However, we ask that you kindly reference ABRI Extension Services and/or BREEDPLAN when using our resources.


  • If sharing a document (e.g. on your own website), please ensure that you link directly to where the document is hosted on the BREEDPLAN website, rather than hosting a local copy. Linking directly to the source will ensure that the document you display will always reflect any modifications made by our team at a future date.
  • If sharing resources on social media, please use the #BREEDPLAN and/or #ABRIExtension hashtags in your post. You are also welcome to tag our ABRI Extension Services Facebook account.
  • Please let the team know if you are using our resources in your publications. This allows us to record which articles have been used more widely.


BREEDPLAN is a registered trademark. It should be written with all capital letters, and not lowercase.