One of the unique features of BREEDPLAN is its ability to utilise data from multiple sources within a single genetic evaluation. The ability to merge data from multiple client databases is a unique feature that enables BREEDPLAN to conduct multi-breed and/or multi-country genetic evaluations. Such evaluations involve multiple breed societies (e.g. Australia and New Zealand in a Trans-Tasman BREEDPLAN analysis), while allowing each breed society and their members to retain control and ownership of their own data.
BREEDPLAN also has the facility to import results from external genetic evaluations. This allows BREEDPLAN to get an indication of how imported animals perform before they have progeny analysed in the local genetic evaluation. This is particularly valuable in situations where semen or embryos are imported from a herd who does not utilise the same BREEDPLAN analysis.
The compatibility of BREEDPLAN also allows multiple methods of data submission. In addition to the BREEDPLAN paper performance recording forms, excel templates and web services areas, BREEDPLAN users have the option of submitting data using herd recording software developed by a number of vendors. This herd recording software includes HerdMaster (ABRI), StockBook (Practical Systems), KoolCollect (Sapien) and Cattlelink (Herdlink).
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