BREEDPLAN Continues to Deliver Major Advancements in 2023
Year in Review
Nov 2023The BREEDPLAN team has delivered a number of major advancements for ABRI’s breed society clients throughout the last 12 months. These achievements include:
- The implementation of eight Single-Step BREEDPLAN analyses for Australian and international clients.
These are:
- The Hereford Cattle Society (UK).
- Speckle Park International.
- A TransTasman Single-Step BREEDPLAN analysis for the Simmental Cattle Breeders’ Society of New Zealand & Australian Simmental BREEDPLAN.
- Droughtmaster Australia.
- The Australian Brangus Cattle Association.
- A Southern African Single-Step BREEEDPLAN analysis for the Brahman Cattle Breeders’ Society of Namibia, the Brahman Cattle Breeders’ Society of South Africa & Brahman breeders recording with Zimbabwe Herd Book.
- A Southern Hemisphere Single-Step BREEDPLAN analysis for the Australian Limousin Breeders’ Society, the Limousin Cattle Breeders Society of Namibia & the Limousin Cattle Breeders Society of South Africa.
- The Beef Shorthorn Cattle Society (UK).
The implementation of these Single-Step BREEDPLAN analyses, where pedigree, performance information and genomic (DNA) information is all utilised in the calculation of EBVs, has more than doubled the number of Single-Step BREEDPLAN analyses to 15.
Several Single-Step BREEDPLAN analyses were implemented in 2023 for breeds that have composite backgrounds and/or unique population structures (e.g. multiple types). Implementation for these breeds required a considerable amount of research, testing and validation, including the implementation of novel methods developed by researchers at the Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit (AGBU).
- The implementation of 18 BreedObject selection indexes for six breed societies.
Two breed societies, Droughtmaster Australia and Speckle Park International, released BreedObject selection indexes for the first time in 2023. Revised selection indexes were also released for the South Devon Herd Book Society (UK), the Simbra Cattle Breeders Society of South Africa, the Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society (Australia) and the Red Angus Society of Australia.
- A range of other significant enhancements implemented for BREEDPLAN analyses.
These included:
- The release of an advanced algorithm for accuracy calculations in Single-Step BREEDPLAN analyses.
- Updated genetic parameters for the Hereford Cattle Society (UK).
- An upgrade to BREEDPLAN version 6.2, updated adjustment factors and genetic parameters and the release of NFI EBVs for the Simbra Cattle Breeders Society of South Africa.
- Release of four new Microsoft Excel templates that can be used to submit Days to Calving information to BREEDPLAN.
- Improvements to the weighting on SNP genotypes, a revised Single-Step Calving Ease analysis and an enhanced Docility analysis for Angus Australia and the New Zealand Angus Association.
As we move into 2024, the implementation of Single-Step BREEDPLAN analyses, and the revision of BreedObject selection indexes, remain key priorities for the BREEDPLAN team.
BREEDPLAN. Validated by Science.